SEO- Stands for search engine optimization. An expert in this field will try to attempt your website better in quality and quantity so there will be more traffic coming to these websites. Usually, the aim is to put it high in people’s search engine results because people typically open the first few websites they find. That is why this is crucial.

If you are looking for ways and ideas to improve your digital presence, then you’re in the right place! Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding what SEO copywriting is, how it works and how it can help any business.

It is common knowledge that the Internet is, by far, the most powerful tool in today’s date. From setting up a business to expanding its reach, the Internet has got you covered. Digital marketing has taken many companies to new heights by adopting several unique and serviceable strategies. One of them is SEO Copywriting, and this blog is all about that! Irrespective of your current stand about SEO copywriting, we guarantee that you will have a clear and complete understanding of the topic and probably develop a skillful knack for writing after reading this guide. Let’s get started!

First of all, what is SEO Copywriting?

In simple terms, SEO copywriting is writing with optimized keywords, complying with the search engine algorithms. Are you still confused? Let’s break the word down into two bits and then understand it.


Search Engine Optimization is one of the most valued tools in the world of digital marketing. SEO is a system through which content is optimized in a way to drive more traffic to websites. This is done by bettering the rank of the website in the search engine results. This system finds out the most searched keywords and incorporates them into the written piece to get listed at the top of the products. Similarly, many such factors play a role in the entire process, and we will get into the details further in this piece. All in all, SEO is a strategy to increase the website’s visibility so that more people discover it.

campaign, but a lot of people are confused over what it is, and they are unsure what it does exactly. Most people think of SEO as the act of trying to game Google’s algorithm by stuffing keywords into your website’s content, but in reality, it’s much more than that.


Copywriting is the skill of creating content for a specific idea, brand or label to make its product(s) or service(s) sell. A copywriter creates a single copy that reaches everyone. This might as a TV ad, billboard, magazine/newspaper ad, blog, and the list goes on. The aim is to promote the brand, create awareness about it, and encourage people to engage with it as much as possible. As we spoke above, there is a broad spectrum of copywriting, but considering this guide’s context, we shall be focusing mainly on copywriting for web pages. This leads us to the prime question.

How do search engines work?

Before we try to master being an SEO, we need to understand how search engines work. So there are a lot of websites on the Internet; they all have their respective web pages. When you search for anything that comes to your mind, the search engine uses a computer algorithm to find web pages related to your search. This algorithm is constantly changing, and no one knows how it works. Many search engines may tell you how it works in general, but no one knows everything about it.

Search engines work based on the types of words you use when searching for something. Using correct spellings is also essential because you may not find the search result you are looking for. Many search engines can be found today, but google is the most reliable and widely used.

If your web page’s quality is excellent and many people view it, it will be higher in the algorithm. Google looks at web pages and not websites because some websites may not have good web pages for all their content.

Google uses crawlers, these more on the Internet, and find the best possible results. There are some things that you may be doing that block the crawlers.

Poor/weak internal linking – google needs internal links to crawl through your website and find the best possible webpage, but when there are weak links, google cannot do that.

No followed internal links: The Internal links which have no-follow tags will not get crawled by Google.

Blocks in robots.txt; This is a file that lets google know where it can and cannot go on our website, and if this is blocked, your website will not be crawled.

Skills you should know to be a good SEO

Researching search words –

We should know the common words that people may use to lead them to our website. Some words are guessed to find something they are unsure of, and some things are certain. We must add these words to our content, which can help us favor the algorithm.

Basic coding –

You might not be a coding expert, but knowing the basics of coding can significantly optimize your website.

Adding your website links –

You can add your website links to related articles on the webpage. Due to this, many people will view your website for longer and stay hooked with you. This can also favor you in the SEO rankings as you would appear to be a good quality website.

Great content –

This point is the basics. If you do not have good content that people are interested in, no one will view your websites. Great content will also ensure that people share your website with other people, which can significantly help your website.

Reviewing your content –

It is essential to always look for your mistakes and places that you can improve—asking for reviews from people who view your content. You can look at your SEO optimization and keep trying to improve it.

You would also need to find common ground with a lot of your clients, negotiate well with them. You will need to communicate well and clearly. This will benefit you in your SEO career.

It is also valuable to know if search engines like google support a mobile version of your website because many people may not view your content simply because it is in desktop mode and uses their mobile phones. If your company or personal website on a channel on youtube or simply on google does not have a feature like this yet, you can hire someone to fix it.

Page loading speed –

People will not want to view your website if it takes too long to load. You can use the Google page speed insight tool to check how fast your page loads.

Search intent –

You should attempt to use keywords that are commonly searched for. This will ensure that the search engine puts your content on top for many people to view.

Backlinks –

Companies like google look at backlinks as votes. So the more votes you have, the algorithm places you higher, and you are more likely to get traffic and be viewed. Links can be challenging to build, but if you do it well, then you can rank relatively very high in these votes, and this will benefit you and your website immensely.

Authority in backlinks –

All backlinks are not made the same way. Some have more weight than other websites. Some websites are more likely to be ranked higher because their votes have value. This is also a google feature. There were ways where you could understand who had how much weight, but as of 2016, this feature cannot be accessed. There are ways to increase your authority. You can post your own links on your web pages, and also, when other companies have their webpages, it gives you more control over the algorithm.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

This is an essential topic in the world of search engine marketing. Search engine optimization optimizes Web pages’ content so that search engines rank those pages higher in search engine results. On-page SEO aims to increase visitors’ number to a Web site by improving the content’s quality on each page, so search engines and visitors consider it valuable. Having a well-optimized website for search engine results is a significant step in creating your online presence. So, what is on-page SEO?

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO is all about the words and phrases used on your website. It can also be called on-page optimization or optimizing a page’s content and code to improve its visibility in search engine results. On-page SEO aims to make your page’s content as relevant as possible to the search query people use to find it. You can do this by using specific keywords and phrases in your title, header tags, image alt text, first paragraph, and throughout your content.

Content Quality:

Every website on the Internet has content on it, from the largest MMOs to the minor personal websites. Content is one of the essential parts of a website since search engines use a page’s content to understand just how relevant it is to a search. The more relevant a website is to an investigation, the higher it will rank in the search results. Therefore, it is essential to have content on a website and have quality content.

It is a well-known fact that content is king, which is undoubtedly true from an SEO perspective. Increasingly search engines act as virtual librarians, taking a user’s query and returning content relevant to the search query. It means that if you want to rank highly on search engines (and have a higher CTR), you need to provide rich, high-quality content relevant to your chosen keywords. You should also aim to keep everything easy to read and understand and avoid using flashy and fancy words too much because even the best articles in the world are useless if no one understands them.

Content Structure:

The way you structure your content is a significant factor in how search engines rank your site. It is because search engines can’t read your mind. They can’t know where you want your content to appear in search results—that’s up to you. Your content structure is essential because search engines will try to match up words within your content with words in search queries, so you should use words within your content to describe the terms within your search queries. Your goal should be to have your most important keywords appear in your content and your title tag.

Content Distribution

Search engines have become very intelligent more than ever before, and it’s getting harder and harder to fool them into thinking your content is attractive to enough people to get you to the top of their results. One of the most innovative ways to help your content stand out is to make it highly relevant to your writing topic.

Content distribution is one of the most critical aspects of On-Page. It means that if you want to get your content to the top of the search engines, you have to incorporate SEO elements into the content itself. The way to do this is by making sure that your on-page SEO elements are on each page of your website.

Creating content that Google and search engines want to promote is the most tricky part of this job. Now you need to optimize the ‘technical’ things and details in it, like meta tags and URL.

So, what is SEO Copywriting after all?

SEO copywriting is a marketing strategy that is meant to attract traffic and sell to them. This involves using keywords, a friendly yet persuasive tone, readability, structure, and many such elements in the written piece. This is done to secure a higher ranking in the search engine results and keep the readers engaged and gripped to the web page. Simultaneously, the brand’s promotion also has to be kept in mind, usually done by adding click-on links and detailed descriptions of the product or service.

How is SEO copywriting different from general content writing?

While many minor differences exist between the two forms of writing, but the major ones are:


The purpose of SEO copywriting is to promote an idea, campaign, or brand’s product or service in case of collaboration. It is to push the web page’s reach and visibility so that more people get engaged with it and increase the website’s conversion rate. But on the contrary, general content writing is intended to share knowledge and experiences while keeping the reader’s interest intact and impress them with excellent writing skills.


Regular content pieces seen on blogs or eBooks are pretty long as compared to copies. This is because they try to make the content as detailed as possible so that the reader is thorough with the topic by the end. On the other hand, when working on SEO copywriting, the length is much shorter because the aim is to make a point and market, so the overall content is always to the end and layered with answers to the most demanded questions only.

Tips and tricks to become an SEO expert

Putting content that has all the keywords that are frequently searched can help improve your SEO.

Social media –

You can use social media to improve your SEO by putting proper advertisements and posts. Your post can lead them to view your website.

Online sales –

you can use SEO to boost e-commerce, and due to this, a lot of people may be introduced to the products you wish to sell. You can further use ways to encourage them to make the purchase like discounts, buy-back initiatives, etc.

Emails –

Sending the right emails to those who have access to your email can significantly help to improve your SEO.

Understanding data –

If you are a good SEO expert, you will be able to understand all the data that you have, and you will be able to figure out the best solutions to solve all the problems that you face. This can improve your SEO.

Good network –

It is essential to have a good network of other SEO analysts who can share ideas, tactics, and tips so that all of you can grow together. It may also enable you to get better jobs in various organizations. Some large companies may look to hire multiple SEO analysts because they know the value of having a lot of people on their website.

Explain the work you do well –

At the beginning of your career, you may have to visit many organizations or people who have websites and tell them why the job that you do can be very valuable for their organization because some people may be aware of what you do but others may not. If you have prior work experience, you can show how your work has helped to improve the traffic visiting the website. If you have no work experience, simply show examples of how others in your field have helped improve brands and websites.

Your work is constant –

Even as you work, you will realize that algorithms keep on changing, and people’s understanding of these things is growing. Due to this, you need to be aware of changes and constantly aware if there are ways in which you can gain more traffic on a website. What is important this day, week or month may not be significant in a year or a few year’s time because the algorithm constantly changes, and it is essential to be aware of these changes.

Consistency is critical –

Everything worthwhile in this world takes time, and the same applies to SEO analysis. You must keep on putting up content because consistency helps the algorithm promote your content over others. As you keep putting content, the quality of the content increases but your understanding or SEO analysis also gets better.


If you have chosen to be an SEO as a profession, then you must be able to look at data, analyze it and figure out ways to make it as attractive as possible, and ensure that it can reach as many people as possible.

If you are hired to make a report for a company, then you must take the data they give you, and you must mention the problems that they may be facing that are sabotaging their growth, and you should also suggest possible alternatives that they can use in order to improve and grow their content and website by increasing the traffic that visits it. You can try to join the industries that you actually love and wish to work with, so you do not have to get a particular degree to work in these industries.

Initially, it may take you some time to understand everything, but soon you will be able to look at a website and come up with a variety of solutions to improve it. There are multiple places where you can learn how to do this SEO analysis for a low cost or even free of any monetary charge, and this can help give the necessary boost that you require for your career.