Social Media has changed the face of businesses; Instagram is leading from the front!

Creating relevant and engaging posts is the key to success with social media. High-quality content with meaningful conversation proves to be the vital aspect of Instagram campaigns. With basics in place, you will be able to engage your audience and also gain followers.

The bothering question is, how do you make an impact with so much more to do, and time is just running out? The answer lies in automation. Lead hunting is essential, and at times, hiring an assistant may not be as easy and economical as it sounds. The only alternative is autopilot.

What is an Instagram Autopilot?

Instagram Autopilot is a robotics tool that can be accessed by your mobile or a computer to automatically connect with your Instagram app and do the work for you. Autopilot can also be used to comment, reply and schedule posts. It is an incredible way to save time and get your job done by a computer program. However, it is not as simple as it sounds; there are inherent disadvantages and threats of automation.

Automation may not solve all your problems, but if it is all about managing your time, this can solve much of your problem. There is so much an autopilot can do for you. Here are ten ways to drive lead on autopilot from Instagram.

  1. Get the Right Software

    Automation has its pros and cons. The biggest risk is violating the rules of engagement laid down by Instagram. The important aspect is to choose the right software so that you do not infringe with the laid down terms and conditions.

    Choosing your software is the first important step that you must take before you go ahead with automation. There are plenty of software tools that claim to be the best and will do your work; however, do your homework, research well, and check the reviews and policy, including how the autopilot will do the job.

    Examine all your options and, if required, speak to the company and ask them questions. Ensure the claims company is making are genuine and will not lead to any complications at a later stage.

  2. Schedule Your Posts

    Ideal posting time will depend on how your followers react to your posts. Do a little research to find out the ideal time and day to post your content. Research shows that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best time to post, and weekends are the worst time to post your content. Scheduling your posts will reach your followers at the right time without physically being on the platform or posting it.

    Research and analytics also prove that the best engagement happens in the first two days of the post. You are more likely to get likes and comments when the post is fresh; as the post gets older, it has bleak chances to make a mark. Use automation tools to schedule your posts in advance; if required, follow a calendar to post the content.

  3. Beware of Spams

    One of the biggest disadvantages of using autopilot is the threat to spam and obstinate comments. Instagram automation may put you down and even give those moments of embarrassment with uncontrolled spams or inappropriate photos which are irrelevant or even distressing.

    You must be cautious when setting up an autopilot for your Instagram account. If your comments or use of emoji are in a set pattern, it may upset the Instagram algorithm as well. It may also make things worst to the extent of suspending your account.

  4. Get used to Social Comments

    Successful Instagram accounts posts incredible comments, and they listen to people’s opinions. You must master this aspect and pay attention to the conversation going around in context to your brand. This aspect will help you with your weak points and suggest course corrections.

    Good automation tools must-have features that can monitor the value of the comment and highlight every time the name of your brand is mentioned. It is easy to do it with a hashtag, but a good automation tool must not be dependent on a hashtag. The automation tool must prioritize posts to make it easy for you and your followers when searching for relevant content.

  5. Research Capabilities

    Having automation tools for simple commenting and posting your comments solves no purpose. Experts believe that content is crucial for success, and one must not post content if it does not add value. Any automation tool must be helping you to research the content that is authentic, valuable, and in demand.

    Automation must give you an insight into the highest performers in a given niche. It should be able to do some research on the trends and engagement metrics. Although insight can answer many queries but again, time is what we are all looking at. A good automation tool will get all the answers without putting in too much time and effort.

  6. Image Editing is Important

    Instagram is all about sharp images and catchy quotes. Statistics reveal that a good edited image performs much better on the Instagram platform. Instagram is a visual platform, has a greater engagement ratio with great pictures. Image editing and a good automation tool come in handy to get successful leads.

    Editing is the most time-consuming job, and a good automation tool will save you many productive hours. The right automation tools are handy in editing photos without much hassle. Image size also plays an important role in engagement; portrait and square photos perform better than landscape mode.

    Automation can also resize your photos of the desired format by clipping them. This way, you can not only enhance the picture quality but can also save time and effort.

  7. Liberty to Post from Computer

    Instagram was designed as a mobile app so that you can post on the go. If you want to post high-quality content, a mobile screen does not help. Some automation tools can be accessed easily by a computer than a mobile phone.

    You can design your posts on a computer with every detail that leaves a mark for your brand. Automation tools will help connect with your app and post the content for you. App synchronization is yet another feature that comes in handy when you want to post content on the go.

  8. Keep a check on Similar Accounts

    The greatest advantage of automation tools is to keep a check on a similar account. These are target accounts of your competitors who are on a similar playing field as you are. Following your competitors is important to know about their next move and what tactics they employ to woo their followers.

    Instagram stories are a good way to gauge what content works and what doesn’t. Automation tools help you to keep track of your competitors. It won’t let you miss any posts, engaging trends, and working methods in the game.

  9. Learn to use the Tools

    Getting a tool may be important, but knowing all about it and how it will help you is significant. It is a waste if you get the tool and later realize it doesn’t solve the purpose. If available, look for a free trial version. If you know it is working well for you, strike the deal.

  10. Use Lead Magnets to Autopilot

    Lead magnets are specific quality content that you create for the target audience. Lead magnets can be webinars, PDF downloads, free lessons, or ebooks that give your audience something of value to follow you.

    Autopilots should help you target your audience and have consolidated data on how many have subscribed or downloaded your leads. You must remember these leads become customers in the long run.


We hope this article has answered all your queries about the use of automation tools with Instagram. To drive leads on Instagram by using automation, you should choose the right automation tool and use it to your advantage to save time and do the research. Automation alone may not solve all the problems, but it can help you manage your content and save time.

If you have more queries about automation tools or need more expert guidance on paid service with your Instagram account, feel free to get in touch with us.