Individual recommendations are trusted by 92 percent of people over brand recommendations. Links from well-known blogs are regarded as a powerful signal that can boost search engine rankings. Influencer advertising has gradually surpassed other sources of consumer acquisition as the fastest-growing outlet. You may use blogger outreach resources to find influencers in your market.

Blogger outreach what is it exactly

Before making a purchase decision, the average buyer reads 11 product reviews. When customers are looking for goods or services, bloggers are the most sought-after resource. Working with online influencers to market new goods or services, create a brand promoter network, and receive genuine mentions is becoming increasingly popular.

When done correctly, it (blogger outreach) will help drive the crowd to your site, generate links to your post, and improve phrases for your goods or services. The shared sharing of value is the foundation of a successful outreach campaign. If you’re just getting started with outreach, check out our guide to creating an outreach plan.

Why do you need tools?

Every month, endless time is spent customizing, personalizing marketing and follow-ups. Through customizing each outreach email to influencers in your niche, blogger outreach tools enable you to save hundreds of hours per month.

Blogger outreach resources assist you in locating the best authors, advertisers, and content creators to market your service or product. Blogger outreach makes prospecting different accounts easier and allows you to locate opinion leaders in your market. Most tools work with SEO providers to help you find reputable publishers.

Blogger outreach platforms enable you to fine-tune your outreach approach by monitoring each phase of the process.

Popular tools that might help

Pitch box

PitchBox is an online pitching platform.
Pitchbox is one of the most used platforms for connection prospecting and outreach. The platform’s framework is simple and easy to use.


  • Integrates with leading SEO providers such as Moz, Majestic, and SEMRush. Prospect influencers dependent on domains and page authority are possible with this method.
  • With built-in workflows, you can personalize outreach emails and follow-ups, increasing response rates.
  • This feature enables you to create data-driven judgments in the outreach process.

Buzz stream

Buzzstream enables advertisers to perform outreach through a tailored relationship-building approach.


The tool helps you to create prospecting lists by scraping links on a website (for example, a BuzzSumo search results page). You can save future details to your account, email a site owner all along the process, or miss a bad one.

  • Contacts, contact information, email templates, notices, and RSS feeds can all be arranged in a single database.
  • Additionally, the tool includes built-in custom fields, connection control, and specialized organization functionality.

Outreach of Ninjas

Ninja Outreach enables advertisers to run effective influencer outreach programs. With designed analytics and automation, the tool allows you to scale the outreach process effectively.


With a network of more than 24 million contacts, it simplifies identifying influencers. Using the tool’s keyword analysis, you will find the proper selection of social media influencers in your niche.

  • You will save a lot of time by automating the email workflow and follow-up.
  • The tool includes CRM features, allowing one to import connections and monitor them via a single framework.


Scrunch data-driven audience portal enables you to identify the best influencers for your campaign. The site contains over 20 million accounts, including top blogs, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram Influencers.


  • Searches and catalogs over 20 million-plus bloggers, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube profiles based on subject, hashtag, site, scope, interaction, and other criteria.
  • The tool helps you to store searches and get notifications as new bloggers in your niche are discovered.
  • The label’s patented algorithm has searched billions of posts and tweets.

Networks for blogger outreach

The networks mentioned below will assist your company in connecting with the best blogs in your sector for guest blogger outreach as well as guest blogging.

  • MyBlogGuest –

    This Is My Blog Guest is a free community that links blog owners with guest bloggers. Join for unlimited access and begin gaining attention by guest blogging.

  • GuestBlogIt is a website that allows you to write a guest blog. It aspires to be the best resource for guest blogging. Freely upload your content or seek content for your blog. Acquire high-quality, appropriate backlinks.
  • BloggerLinkUp –

    Once you sign up for the BloggerLinkUp list, you will receive an update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. These emails would include requests for professional sources, applications for guest posts, blogs and web developers providing guest posts, and PR representatives and others asking for product feedback whenever you see a demand that you can satisfy, a simple answer to the applicant immediately.

  • BlogSynergy –

    BlogSynergy is a blogging community social networking site. Bloggers using BlogSynergy to follow, link, and exchange blogging possibilities.

  • Guestr –

    Site owners can locate guest bloggers, and bloggers can find and encourage guest blogging opportunities. Look at hundreds of websites.

  • GroupHigh –

    GroupHigh is a tech company that assists public affairs, SEO, and social networking practitioners in reaching out to bloggers.

  • BlogDash –

    Find, interact with, and pitch bloggers all in one location; filter 109,847 bloggers by key terms, divisions, Klout ranking, gender, place, and other criteria.

  • PostJoint –

    PostJoint is a clever online tool that combines brands and bloggers in order to make content ads more efficient and personalized than ever before. Advertisers create high-quality material, and bloggers even provide guest blogs. PostJoint balances crowds and ensures quality management.

  • Copy for Bylines –

    Copy for Bylines’ mission is to fill the gap among writers and services online and to collaborate with these creative people to create quality content online. They agree that, as a result of the abundance of useless material information on the Web, web content must be revolutionized — it ought to be faster, optimized, and useful to online users.

These are five steps that will help you grow your blogs

  1. Look for prominent bloggers

    Your initial move should be to locate a blogger to contact. And here is how to do that:

    First, look for famous blogs on AllTop; AIITop is a self-arranged blog archive, Simply go to AllTop if you want a directory for blogs of that niche. The great thing? Alltop has a collection in every area imaginable of blogs.

    Second, conduct a Quick google for key terms in any field. Since there is no complicated tool required, many people dismiss this strategy; however, I can assure you through experiences that Google is often a goldmine.

    And here is how to go about it:

    Look for informative key terms in your field. For instance, if you operate a blog on the topic The Caveman Diet, details key terms related to that subject may include:

    • Recipes for Paleo desserts
    • Paleo Diet Weight Loss
    • Is avocado Paleo-friendly?
    • Paleo indulgence days

    You will have a combination of blogs and “authoritative pages” if you do.

    Just for the outreach benefit, you should disregard any authority pages you come across. Instead, concentrate on blogs which appear in results.

    Word Of Advice: At the end of the search results, scroll to the bottom to the “Search Related” section.

    If you press one of the many linkedin searches, you will discover even extra blogs to bookmark.

    Finally, using BuzzSumo to identify influencers.
    Simply browse BuzzSumo for effective key terms that fit that blog.
    in case if you have a food blog, you could check for broad words such as

    • Cooking
    • Recipes
    • Desserts

    Note: You should stop looking for specific words such as “cookies” or “almonds”). Why is this so? BuzzSumo scans for words in everyone’s Twitter bios. So, if users look for a broad word (like “cooking”), you’ll see more blogs than it is if you search for a particular term (like “cakes”).

    Furthermore, BuzzSumo can generate a record of bloggers:
    You can filter the outcomes by the amount of fans’ domain power and other requirements if you’d like to be fancy.

    Instead, I suggest concentrating on a single metric:
    Retweet-to-Tweet Ratio
    This figure indicates how much a blogger re-tweets somebody else’s material.

    What is the significance of this?

    It assists you in identifying bloggers who are interested in sharing your content.
    As a result, I suggest concentrating on blogs with a Retweet Ratio of approximately 5%.

    Finally, take a look at the “top” blog entries.
    The finest blogs of a given genre are included in “top” blog entries.
    As an example, consider the following:

    I’m hoping you could see why that’s so successful.

    You are sent a collection of top-quality blogs on a golden platter.

    How would you locate “Best of” blog entries?

    Here are a few search terms that fit exceptionally well:

    • Best [keyterms] blogs
    • Best [keyphrase] blog [month or year]
    • My top [keyphrase] posts
    • blogs to track: [key phrase]

    This method will assist you in discovering treasures that you would not have discovered otherwise.

  2. Analyze content creators

    You must have a database of 30-60 bloggers to contact at this stage. The concern is, who do you email? Most newcomers to outreach bypass this move, and that is such a major mistake; why? A shortage of blogger analysis results in lost time, canceled emails, and broken bridges;

    But, if you spare a moment or two to study the bloggers that are on the list you created, you can have an even more favorable outcome when you mail them.

    To get on track, you will be in need of making a spreadsheet.
    Hold back complexity, So your spreadsheet should have around six areas:

    What do you do now when you have put together a database of bloggers?

    Divide The Bloggers Over “grades.”

    Grade 1: These would be the top bloggers people aspire to collaborate with a small group of powerhouses in the business.

    Grade 2: Bloggers who seem to have a large audience and receive a significant amount of responses on their blogs. They’ve most likely been blogging for a while now.

    Grade 3: bloggers are those who are only beginning in or those who have never made it high. They continue to publish material on a daily basis. They are, though, half the size of grade 2 bloggers. In reality, your blog may be even more significant.

    Along with all the details next to you, categorizing your blogger’s database ought to be a piece of cake.

    Word Of Advice:

    Avoid overthinking this move. There is no secret pill for assigning bloggers to a certain rank. When you are not optimistic about which amount to assign to the blogger, choose the least and pass it along to the next user on your catalogue.

    In any case, grades would be extremely beneficial over the next two stages. Grade 1 bloggers would need to suit up even faster than grade 3 bloggers. In particular, you can often mail grade 3 bloggers straightaway.

  3. Put Yourself in Their Notice

    This is a simple way to get onto the blogger’s sensor prior to emailing them.
    Here it is how to go about it:

    Have a look at their online media pages. Simply follow every other blogger on most of the social platforms where they are involved. This is particularly essential when users say, “I am a huge admirer of your work” in your emails.

    Whenever they notice that you are following them, they will recognize you are a true admirer, Comment on Their Work Many other bloggers, including grade 1 people, read the comments; there is no use in being afraid of leaving constructive, thoughtful give remarks (comment) on their media platforms and blog articles.

    What exactly do I imply by “helpful”? Essentially, a statement that contributes to the debate,

    Start sharing Their Posts On Social Networks, which is just yet another ideal method to get us on somebody’s notice.

    Having said that,
    Any post by the majority of grade 2 and even grade 1 bloggers receives a large number of shares.

    As a result, you may need to post their material three or four times until they remember you.
    Word Of advice: State something unique regarding their article that you really like; this makes your contribution look noticeable.

    Mail an “I Enjoy Your Blogs!” message; it is a much more straightforward process; however, it has the potential to perform very well.

  4. Locate Contact Details

    Here are three methods for locating a blogger’s address of email:

    Hunter rapidly established of being everyone’s email address finder.
    Not alone the data is extremely reliable, but can also be used it if you’re using Chrome Ext. to locate email addresses directly inside the search engine:

    Voila Norbert
    it is almost like Hunter, but it lacks the fantastic Chrome Ext.

    Outreach Tools

    Many outreach resources such as GroupHigh or BuzzStream include a built-in email locator.

    If everything crashes, you still could use the blog’s feedback form to deliver your post.

  5. Contact the Bloggers

    To be clear, it is time to begin process the actual one :

    The precise procedure can vary depending on the kind of outreach program you are doing.

    As a case:
    Outreach for a post(guest) proposal is not the same as calling for a share, as it is not the same as an influencer advertising strategy. With that, I’ll teach you how and when to carry out all the four most effective forms of outreach schemes

    • link request
    • Guest blogging
    • Partnerships
    • Share request

    Let us get this moving,
    Obtain Your Guest Blogging Featured

    Firstly, search the blog list for blogs that welcome guest blogging.
    They might possess a “try writing for us” site or a visiting author article every now and then.

    Next, see what material has already performed well on the site.
    E.g., “Definitive Guides” such as this one appear to be the most effective.

    Finally, make contact with your idea.

    You can submit from either your business email or your account on gmail. It does not make a difference;
    Here is a sample that translates extremely well. Be open to making changes.

    Hello [mention your name here],

    I would like to suggest a guest post that I believe your readers would appreciate.

    It’s known as [title].
    Given that this [type of content] performs well enough on [name of the blog], I believe it could be a perfect fit.
    Would you like me to get you an overview?
    Thank you so much.

    Couple of thoughts on this sample:

    • It’s succinct as well as downright straight to point. There is no filler or fluff.
    • It identifies the sort of content that performs greater on their work. This demonstrates that you really did some research.
    • You’re just requesting to see the description. It is a far lesser undertaking than requesting that somebody agrees to release the article right away.

    Encourage Powerful content creators to Share The Content Among Their Readers.

    First, consider the kind of material which the blogger currently publishes.

    Is it relevant to the industry? Is it an intensive study? Is it a guide? Aligning the material you advertise with how a blogger currently posts will increase the likelihood that they will share it by tenfold.

    Send them the script below:

    Hello [Name],
    I recently published [a short summary of your material].
    Given your [something which connects your material to their best interest], I figured you would be interested in checking out:
    [web address]
    I wish you have a good time doing it.
    Thank you so much.
    [Your name]

    Couple of thoughts on this sample:

    • The edition does not begin with “I adore your work.” But can you include it if you think it would make them happy.
    • This format enables you to explain Why you’ve been giving them a connection in order for your post in particular and how it relates to whatever they currently blog about or retweet.
    • Take note about how you do not press for a cut. This is an extremely effective Judo step.
    • People are not foolish: if they would like your stuff, they’ll start sharing it with others.

    Obtain Backlinks from Reputable Blogs

    The very first thing is to identify a certain location on their blog, whereby your connection will be appropriate.

    • In other terms, do not ask anyone to “connect to you.” Instead, consider the following pages and posts:
    • Lists of the top 100, 50, or 20 items
    • Pages of asset.
    • Old broken down blog posts often have links that are often broken, which the writer should substitute for your material.
    • Product roundups, like: “The finest content I have come across this year.”

    With all that in mind, here is a sample you could utilize:

    Hello [mention your name here],
    I had been looking through some [Topic] material yesterday and found your post: [Title of Post].
    I published recently [brief summary on your content] at [URL].
    It could be a fun addition to your post’s “[Section Title]” section.
    In any case, I wish you like the message, And to have a fantastic week.
    Thank you so much.
    [your name]

    Couple of thoughts on this script:

    • You make it simple for the individual to include your relationship. You’re basically asking them where and how to put it.
    • There are no hard sells.
    • Clear and concise. Nobody really likes emails that are 500 words long. Either they wish to use your connection or not, they would acknowledge how you didn’t mince words.

    Collaboration with Well-Known Bloggers To really be sure, the exact solution here is dependent on the kind of relationship you want.

    The steps are as follows

    First and foremost, be very clear about your request.
    Before you submit your email, be as precise as possible about your idea.

    Next, determine the “next move.”
    This allows the other person to understand their part in the plan easily
    If you simply ask, “What are your opinions on this?” or “Would you like to give me a call?” you are asking for trouble. Instead, think about what you expect the other side to do instead.

    Ultimately, send them an email.

    Hello [Name],
    I was wondering if you would be involved in [type of partnership].
    [The advantage they would get by collaborating alongside you]
    If you’re still curious, the very next step is [next step].
    In any case, I’m a great admirer of your writing and respect you for taking the time to recognize it.
    Thank you so much.
    [ Name]

    Couple of thoughts on this sample:

    The first line of your message gets right to the mark.
    You inform them of the benefits of collaborating alongside you. And that can be increased traffic, increased attention to the target crowd, or a cost-free product to give your review on.

    Your next move is outlined so that the blogger will not have to wonder, “what If I decide to agree to this, then what will come next ?”


So now you have it. And be certain to read this comprehensive guide to blogger outreach
thoroughly, experiment with different networks to communicate with bloggers in your field, and expand your project.