The journey to reach a substantial following on Instagram can be daunting. This article uncovers ten ways that are both effective and foolproof to get the desired results.

Instagram’s one of those few social media platforms that has grown into massive popularity in little time. And honestly, there are enough features like a user-friendly interface, for instance, of the platform to stand for this.

If we talk about the platform’s current scope, it could be defined with a single word, and that’s vast. The platform serves everything from authentic content, reels, creative content, visuals, stories to even shopping. While there were already a whopping 1 billion + users on Instagram in 2020, the pandemic brought an even more significant surge in the active user count, which continues to grow by multi-folds each day.

Instagram for Businesses and Influencers

Apart from being an ideal platform for those looking to explore new things, trends, and the world, Instagram has also evolved new marketing opportunities for all sorts of businesses and a massive ground of fame for those looking for it, i.e., influencers and content creators.

It has grown to become one of the major social media marketing tools among marketers when it comes to the digital aspect and also a symbolic fame proof for the millennials and Gen Zs. Multiple Instagram features to support this, such as filters, reels, algorithms, and platform authority, make it easy to cover better grounds for everyone willing to invest time and effort.

While it is undoubtedly an excellent thing to have so many opportunities and capacity in terms of a platform you are willing to invest time into, the fact that the same applies to others giving rise to competition makes achieving goals difficult. Instagram has become a global trend, and there is no need to emphasize how diverse, talented, creative, and intelligent heads are in the race with you where each of them is as determined, if not more, to put effort and do hard work.

Fame is Followers

If someone asks what you mean by popularity or fame on Instagram, the simple answer would be the number of followers. There is hardly anyone who would contradict this a social world, and in the most genuine sense, followers decide the fate of your page and stature on the platform.

But as mentioned above, while on the one hand, Instagram gives you exposure to billions and a chance to fascinate them with your content. On the other hand, there is enough to fill for the content you choose not to put out, and the chances are that a variety of them might even be better than yours.

So what is the way out?

Ways to get more Instagram followers

A social media platform is always made with specific algorithms in mind, and understanding it and making conceptualized moves is the best way to get the most out of it. Below are ten such strategies that, when integrated into your regular Instagram efforts, can get you to reach more people and help your page grow –

  1. The power of hashtags

    Hashtags have been the talk of the town lately. Enough with the jokes, but the hype you must have seen online is definitely not for nothing. Attaching hashtags to your posts is as imperative as it is to maintain the quality of the content you post.

    You might post engaging, creative, and overall awesome photos and videos, but you need to find ways to bring them to people. Hashtags do this for you by making your content visible to those who search up those hashtags or related content.

    There are typically three types of hashtags, namely evergreen, popular and content-oriented hashtags.

    The evergreen hashtags are the ones that work for almost all sor1ts of content and are mostly not directed towards a particular subject, and their only aim is to bring extra engagement, such as likes.

    While the right hashtags are precise and based on the content you posted, these give you exposure to the niche-specific audience and people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. It gives you a stroke of better luck at being followed.

    You can easily look up relevant hashtags online on google or on Instagram itself and choose the one that defines your work the best. It is, however, imperative to update oneself with the latest trends and what’s happening online as popular hashtags keep on changing with time.

  2. Know when’s the time right

    Many people skip the part of analyzing the data of their posts when planning the next post. There is always a time of the day when your posts receive the most engagement and people responding to them rather than scrolling ahead.

    This time can be easily analyzed using the data recovered from previous posts through insights Instagram offers or a third-party app.

    Many businesses and brands do that to target their potential prospects, but it is found equally useful for influencers and content creators.

  3. Consistency is the key

    People do not follow an account that can’t guarantee them a continuous flow of quality content. It is quite imperative to have an excellent impression of the people visiting your profile for the first time, enough to entice them to click that follow button.

    Maintaining a posting schedule people can follow and look ahead for will keep them smitten. At the same time, for a good first glance, try and make your profile more orderly and exciting. The grid’s layout, the overall feel, ambiance, pattern, and variety of content all contribute to creating an impacting profile.

    Many big influencers, celebrities, and creators often engage in such methods, and in the most evident form, it works.

  4. Filters and Filters

    Instagram is becoming more of an aesthetic and eye-pleasing hub, and its filter feature is precisely designed to touch up photos and videos to make them attractive and pretty.

    While there are quite a few Instagram filters available for one to choose from, not all of them work like magic. Certain filters are preferred over others by the people, and you can quickly figure them out through insights or google.

  5. Geo Tags so you could ace local discovery

    In the chase for covering a more extensive ground and influencing people worldwide, most people overlook opportunities that are right beside them. While it may not be any apparent drawback for influencers, it can greatly affect those using Instagram for business.

    Business and brands are all about creating customers, and what is better than starting with establishing it on the local level and growing from there.

    Tagging the place’s location, a service, or venue helps people in the physical vicinity discover the service and avail it.

  6. Stories into highlights? Sounds good

    Everyone is aware of the 24-hour lifespan of Instagram stories. But informative and popular stories can be easily made accessible for future reference using the highlight feature of Instagram.

    Highlighting and arranging the stories not only make it easier for people to understand what your page is all about, but it also makes your account look well kept, intriguing and professional. It furthermore makes it easier for people to decide whether or not to follow you, considering the sort of content they can expect from your page.

    Depending on the niche your page follows, you can add themes like the products you offer, the stats, promotions, teasers, and even the reviews.

  7. Know your competition

    While it is undoubtedly essential to continually try being best at whatever it is you do, keeping a check on who else is in the race with you is not something you can overlook. After all, the person who is your niche-specific competition is aiming for a similar audience as you are.

    If you try and look at it from another perspective, this directly indicates doors to newer prospects since their followers are your potential targets. And though it would be a lottery if they could all follow you instead, it is not impossible to lure and direct some of those followers your way with proper planning.

    The most simple and straightforward way to do so is to interact and engage with the audience in your rival’s Instagram posts. Try commenting, liking, sharing posts, and interacting with other comments, but all that while being cautious of how you sound.

    Your competition also helps by keeping you updated on trends and what’s new in the market, what worked from them and what didn’t, therefore, helping you strategize better and avoid mistakes.

  8. Work on what’s trending

    Trends get everyone smitten. You must have seen a post with a catchy song one day, and just a day later, boom, everyone is doing the same or their modified version of it.

    Keeping up with such trends and participating gives you options to be explored by a vast audience, as more and more people look for a variety of similar stuff when something goes trending. It’s also a seemingly great way to engage with your current audience and join conversations.

  9. Influencer marketing

    What is better exposure than someone with an already substantial following giving your brand a mention through their content? It gives your profile an instant reach and an unmatched chance at being followed by a multitude of their followers.

    Contacting a niche-specific influencer is an even better option to boost chances for businesses and brands. If getting a big influencer on board seems impossible, you can always go for budding influencers with sufficient following to fill your purpose as it is easy to get them into agreeing to do a promotion or a review.

  10. User-generated content and paid reviews

    People trust what is most similar, believable, and relatable without any scope for biased intention, i.e., people like them.

    Asking the previous customers for photos, videos, shares, etc., in which they can be seen using your products and services and posting them on your handle with their views on it can significantly impact how others view your business and also their decision on availing the same.

    It doesn’t have to be direct, but it would be even better if the user could also mention the same on their feed or stories. People usually agree to it in exchange for some money or free products, which quite frankly is a great deal.

Other methods

While the above mentioned are some of the most influential and essential ways, some other methods that can be integrated for more followers include –

Instagram live sessions – people love knowing about what goes into making the service and people who work there. Live sessions are great for interacting, taking questions, resolving queries, and promoting natural engagement with one’s followers. It builds not only trust but also loyalty.

Giveaways, discounts, and contests – this is excellent at luring people into buying your services and bringing other prospects in as well. It is equally useful for influences as they get to explore not only the audience but also potential deals with brands, etc.

Instagram tools and algorithms – strategizing plays an integral role in deciding the scope of any business and the impact of certain campaigns. Instagram insights and third-party tools are your best shot at drafting a successful and well-researched plan. Using Instagram tools and ads is another aspect you could try out for your brand and content alike.


Instagram is a vast and influential platform for those who know how to put it into use effectively. Many brands and famous influencers have successfully paved their way to success through this popular social media site and continue to dominate their respective niche and space. While it all may come off as really overwhelming for beginners but constant hard work and effort are bound to bring results over time. Happy Scrolling!