Instagram is a powerful tool to market your brand. Live Instagram videos are proving to be force multipliers in growing businesses.

Instagram started with a photo-sharing app, and over the years, it has grown to become one of the top social media platforms for businesses.

Instagram has grown over the years with lightning speed which proved that people are responsive to content driven by visual impact. With growing momentum, Instagram can be considered the best platform to market your brand and a great platform for growing businesses.

There are many things you can try with live videos. Some of them are:

  • Answer queries of your customers
  • Give an insight of behind the scenes
  • Share the success story of your brand
  • Organize a live tour of your workshop
  • Introducing your team to your customers
  • Launch new products with live videos
  • Organize live video promotion of your brand.
  • Here are ten reasons why Instagram live videos are great for your businesses.

    1. Live Videos Make your Business Significant

      Live videos are a great way to showcase your business; it impacts potential customers to know you are not a novice in the game but a big-time player. Live videos make an impact to carry forward your impression by your followers.

      One of the best ways to showcase live videos is to stream an event, a product launch, a webinar, a festive celebration, interacting with your clients, or even stories related to your employees in action behind the scene. You can also show your customers how the product is made, a live question and answer session, or a discussion to generate new ideas.

      Live videos are incredible to build rapport with customers. It creates trust apart from showing that you are open to screening and verification. It is a great way to build confidence amongst your staff and followers.

    2. Gives Boost to Partnership with Influencers

      Hiring influencers is a documented way to build your brand presence. Live streaming with influencers takes your business to new dimensions. Even when you cannot afford bigger celebrities, small influencers can make a difference in their stimulus area. Live videos act as a catalyst for your as well as followers of influencers to celebrate an event.

      A reliable influencer is capable of giving you new clients and marketing your brand to a higher level. If you can hire a renowned influencer, live video streaming will be a turning event for your business.

    3. Live Videos Adds on Creativity

      Most businesses never thought of videos to market their brands on Instagram. It is a notion that videos do best on YouTube. However, the truth is that Instagram reels and live videos are coming up in a big way. It gives people added dimension when posting pictures with the caption. A live video is accepted as creative work.

      Your creative team can come up with wild ideas with Instagram videos. Think over new ideas to gain attention and entertain your customers. Happy customers are worth the loyalty program and offers. Use Instagram live videos to demonstrate the creative side of your startup.

    4. Live Videos Give more Exposure

      Research proves that video content on social media gains twice more attention than generic posts. Video content performs well with social media algorithms; it keeps viewers hooked instantly and for a longer spell. A live video engages the viewers since there is an element of anticipation within their minds.

      Curiosity explains why videos on Instagram gain more engagement than other posts. Live videos will give your brand greater exposure and a chance to experiment with dynamic videos to make an impact. Video features give an extra boost to your content with a variety of new experiences.

    5. Growing Popularity Across Channels

      It is no secret that videos are the number one choice on social media platforms. Studies show that more than 50% of viewers like to see a video than reading a post. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Instagram’s live viewership had doubled in just two weeks. Brands and businesses were quick to pivot to live conferences and streaming events.

      Customers need value information with speed; they want entertainment and knowledge-based content. Instagram live video is a great platform to deliver quality content to customers. Changing trends prove that video content is the most powerful and effective format to make your brand visible.

    6. Can Reach Multiple Platforms

      Videos have the potential of reaching multiple platforms across channels; Instagram reels format is one such example. Video contents are easily shared on IGTV, YouTube, and Facebook. Even short videos like those on Instagram stories can get along on Pinterest and other platforms.

      Instagram Live videos are automatically shared to IGTV, which means they can increase viewership on various platforms. Multiple reaches give a wider horizon to gain viewership and followers. A good live event can be a power booster for your business.

    7. Live Videos are a Personal Way to Engage

      Being a brand is much ahead of just selling your products. People want to know everything about the ownership and work culture of a brand. Live videos give you the levy to reach out to your audience and make a relationship by telling all about your brand. Showcasing your brand with live videos on Instagram creates a personal touch and emotional connection.

      It is also a great way to interact with your followers, listen to their ideas and suggestions. Live videos can help in showing the world many happy customers that vouch for your products. Live videos are much more relatable than words and static images.

    8. Answer Queries in Real-Time

      Removing doubts and answering your followers without delay is the mantra to build trust and credibility. If you delay a query or an adverse comment, you lose your authority. Going live is a great option to answer all queries and doubts of your clients and customers. People can shoot their queries instantly, and you must have the confidence to satisfy their doubts.

      Replying to hundreds of queries on comments and emails can be monotonous and tiring. Live videos on Instagram will save you time, effort, and money to automate or hire an assistant for the job. Live videos will also show that you are transparent in your dealing and ready to face the audience. It is a great way to build your brand with people’s trust.

    9. Live Videos are Powerful Marketing Tools

      A picture says more than words, and videos can outshine both! Live videos are a powerful sales tool to market your product. At least 40% of businesses claim that video engagement long with live video content helped push their sales. Instagram live videos are a dynamic way to showcase your product. Videos add quality, content value, and engagement to gain more clients.

      The power of live video is so much that trends are changing towards live shopping. A customer is on a live video platform with the store and can choose the product after careful inspection. It also helps customers to discover new products in an entertaining and informative way.

    10. Live Videos Give Relevant Experience to Customers

      Instagram live videos are emerging as an active platform for e-commerce sales. There is a great emphasis on genuine products. Live videos give an added advantage to showcase your store, your brand and verify quality control in the production of your products. Instagram has shop tabs that allow clienteles a home dock to find and purchase a product of their choice.

      Instagram also works on tags to help customers find the desired product. A live experience adds to the overall experience in finding and choosing merchandise. Customer’s experience can also be live-streamed as events and enhance your products’ quality and spice. Instagram live videos attract sales for consumers to believe that live platforms helped them choose a product.


    Since its inception, Instagram has proved itself as an effective marketing tool for growing businesses. Instagram live videos have taken the platform ahead to help both businesses and customers deliver what they want. If you have not tried Instagram live videos, you are lagging and must pick up at once to survive.

    Live video content is a great strategy that is neither expensive nor overwhelming. Video content can give you credibility, save time and reach multiple platforms to showcase your brand. Live videos also give you an insight into your performance and content; they can be of immense help for improving your content and interaction technique.

    It’s time to try out the Instagram live video and make an impact. Do let us know how you are using live videos for your business and whether it helped you in some way or not.