Almost all new-to-the-seen social media influencers do not think they just dive in and start posting content. This too is a strategy but works only for a handful of people. Chances of overnight success and going viral are very slim so don’t waste your time and hope on such a gamble. If you want to be seen, want to be well-established in the social media world you need to formulate a full-proof plan with guaranteed results. Social media success isn’t calculated by the number of followers.

All rookie influencers believe that once they get a certain number of followers, they will achieve all other factors. But that is not the case. Factors such as followers, subscribers matter but public reactions such as likes, comments, feedback, engagement, and even dislike are equally important.

Those who have been in the social media game for a while now will agree that after a certain point gaining followers isn’t that hard it is getting them to like the content and posts. If you were to look up a successful influencer’s profile right now you will notice that the number of likes on the post is less than the number of followers on the profile. Why is that? Some are just dormant followers, some just scroll past the feed, and some simply are too lazy to unfollow the profile.

So how do you change this, how do you gain more likes and boost up your reaction game? Well, the answer is quite simple. You keep on reading the article to get the: Ultimate guide to giving a boost to your social media likes.

Now before you scroll on further and read the: 11 tips to increase your Instagram likes, let us first see why Instagram likes are so important.

  1. Enhance web traffic

    Instagram is a very powerful site and is considered to be the strongest of social media websites and hence many companies use Instagram to enhance online traffic on their website. To generate this traffic, most companies take the help of influencers. Companies and brands reach out to influencers to post some form of content related to the company. It could be a story, a post, or a video. The likes generated on the post will increase the chances of traffic and organic followers on the company’s site.

  2. Improve online presence

    Having a great number of likes on your content is crucial to spread the word to promote your business, to form connections, collaborate, and lastly to get featured on Instagram. The math is quite simple: more likes= more followers= better business= blue tick. Gaining more likes will benefit you and your business in the long run, it will help you catch the eye of many new followers and potential clients.

  3. Stay ahead of the competition

    The competition to be successful on social media is quite high. Every day 1000s of new profiles are made on Instagram to make a presence on the app. This is why it is important to stay ahead in the game to ensure you win. Having a high number of followers and likes is the best way you can stay ahead of your competition.

  4. Increase leads and conversions

    More likes mean better business. Those websites which have a large number of followers and likes on their Instagram handle have greater chances at procuring more leads and conversions which in turn leads to better sales.

  5. Promote your product/brand/service

    There are many business profiles on Instagram to broaden their horizons and making their products/services and brands available to all. Those brands which are already well-established do not require Instagram likes to gain traffic however small businesses that are just starting can gain a lot from Instagram likes and followers.

    Let’s say you have a small business, gaining a high number of likes and followers can be the turning point for you. A high number of likes mean more exposure, more clients, a better social media presence, and a boost to the traffic on your website.

Well, now that we have addressed the importance of Instagram likes let us get to the crux of the article and see some tips on how to increase your Instagram likes.

11 Tips To Increase Your Instagram Likes

  1. Post aesthetically pleasing photos

    Remember photography was art before it became a marketing tool. Instagram is no place for “good enough” shots, it is time to level up. Do what you must to get better shots of your product or daily posts, you can either hire a professional or take up a photography course to develop your eye. Figure out what professionals do differently than hobbyists and use it to improve your shots.

  2. Use the right hashtags

    Do not type in random hashtags just for the heck of it. Give your hashtags some thought. Remember the hashtags you use have the potential of opening up your post as well as your brand to a whole new audience. So, give your hashtag strategy some thought.

    • Do not be too broad but also don’t be too niche.
    • Do not go overboard. Stick to 9 hashtags a post.
    • Work on creating a brand hashtag.
    • Use them in the right place, in the comments.
  3. Figure out your audience

    The goal is to get your viewers to like your post, to do so you must first know who your audience is. Once you figure that out you will get some idea about what kind of content your audience likes and what they despise.

  4. Post consistently

    Do not ghost your followers. If the goal is to become a well-known brand you need to show your presence. If you have a hard time keeping track of when to post try keeping a content calendar. It is an excellent way to plan out your post necessary to keep your follower’s attention without losing the quality of your posts. If you are consistent with your presence you will attract more audience which in turn will result in more likes.

  5. Run a like-to-win contest

    Want to rack up engagement in record time? Well, run a like-to-win contest. Such contests can require some planning but it does provide instant results. Keep in mind the idea is to attract potential followers so make sure the prize is relevant to your brand so that you do not attract opportunists.

  6. Ask your viewers to tag their friends

    This trick can not be used for random posts. Use it when you believe your audience will engage with the task. A post they would want their friend to see. Plus, you too need to provide them with some sort of incentive to not just DM it privately (for instance a giveaway?).

  7. Post behind the scene content

    If you have loyal followers rest assured that they want to know more about you. So, provide them with the usual doses of your life something with which they can connect to. If your audience can connect to your life, they will surely like it more.

  8. Test out different types of content

    Instagram offers its users a variety of content types to explore. Do not limit your content to a single content type. Try new stuff such as boomerangs, reels, IGTVs, etc. create content that your audience reacts to. You can always use the analytics tool to figure your audiences preference.

  9. Post-user-generated content

    It is always good to show your customers, followers that you pay attention to their love and support. The best way to do so is by showcasing user-generated content on your page. When done right user-generated content can be quite fun and fruitful because it is real. It is also an opportunity to show off your customers and audience’s love for you and to generate desire in newer customers.

  10. Land a spot in the explore tab

    The explore tab brings you the best of Instagram content personalized for you based on your preferences. It is the perfect spot to gain the world’s eye. But to get onto the explore page you must first have a great engagement rate to start with. But conveniently for you, Instagram started offering to explore tab ads as of 2019 so you can always make use of that to begin.

  11. Post when your followers are active

    One of the reasons why you are not getting a good engagement rate maybe your posting habits. Do not post for the sake of it, post so that your users can see. This however will be tough if you do not post wisely. The trick is to post exactly when your audience is using the app. How can you figure that out? Simply make use of the analytics tool.

In summary

There you have it: 11 ways to increase Instagram likes. Remember consistency is key so do post regularly. Make sure you try these 11 tips to give your Instagram engagement rate a boost.