YouTube is a way of life. It has enormous opportunities for one to initiate, grow and succeed. It promotes content without any distinction because one can teach, learn and entertain. The videos are coupled from every sector, from entertainment, music, dance, education, and even promotions.

Mastering this social media network isn’t everyone’s cup of tea because the right blend of persistence, patience, and content is required to shine on. Therefore, this article will highlight the mind-blowing features of YouTube, why one should invest in it, and the tips to get YouTube success.

Let’s begins with some amazing features YouTube offers to every single user.

  • Creating a channel!

    TV channels were the only channels we were aware of before the advent of YouTube. It’s fascinating to have your world and rule over it. By this we mean, a world of your creativity wherein, without any hassle, you can flaunt your content to portray your talent and skills.

    Your content can include an array of activities that will have a platform to reach millions of people. As soon as you upload your videos, your subscribers are notified and view what’s in the basket for them.

  • Be true- likes and dislikes!

    YouTube gives a platform to be heard because when you do not like something, there’s always a way to express it. Similarly, when you like something, it needs to be portrayed to the content creator, and so you have the like and dislike tabs for every video posted on YouTube. It is solely unbiased, giving an equal opportunity to like and dislike a video without asking for an explanation.

  • Say it loud!

    Comments are another section that is widely used for user interaction. Content creators can directly approach their subscribers to reply to their comments. Again, the comment sections do not hold any filters, and so one has to gulp in the good and bad reviews without any hesitation. A piece of advice is to focus on the good reviews and use the bad reviews to get better because you will find rivalry around no matter how good you stand.

  • Propagate!

    YouTube allows you to share videos on other social media sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, or even Instagram. If the users can’t reach it, it tries best to reach the users via other social media sites making it one of the most flexible social media networks. Just with a click of a button, one can amplify the video to reach a wider audience.

  • Fascinating tabs!

    Several tabs are included which have their purpose. For instance, the home tab showcases the latest videos with a high hit and similar to your previous views. The explore tab takes you into the trending world of videos featuring music, dance, entertainment, film trailers, education, travel, and lifestyle. The Live tab is another feature that offers you to go live and interact with your audience.

  • Subscriptions!

    When people like your content, they do not hesitate to subscribe to your channel to get more interesting stuff. Convincing people to follow you and subscribe to your channels isn’t an easy task because to some, it’s the talent and skill, while to others, it’s just the propaganda.

  • Library- not books!

    A go-to tab for exploring your history is a list of your recent views so that you can easily revisit them. It also offers clickable tabs to download and watch videos you intended to watch later.

    As mentioned earlier, you were aware of these features, but we doubt you pondered their importance to help you grow and succeed on YouTube. These features of creating videos and promoting them with the specifications as mentioned above were in the race much before other social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat even existed. YouTube has made concepts crystal clear to us, and you need to know its power points to master them exactly.

So what makes YouTube a powerful platform?
Go through these pointers to jot down the important aspects provided by YouTube to expand and sustain your skill and business.

  • YouTube lets you be noticed in the crowd!

    You do not have to travel long distances to get to work because if you have the skills, you can portray your talent right at home and create videos that the world will watch. Some top-most YouTube bloggers started from scratch and now earn millions because they dared to do so. YouTube has interestingly merged with other social media platforms, so apart from conquering it, you will be widely accepted on other platforms, making you stand out in the crowd.

  • No bars to your creativity!

    You may have an idea that seems realistic to others, but you never know; that idea can change the way people perceive things. So all you need is a platform to be heard and seen, and YouTube rightly provides you that platform. It gives you a stage, but to fill in the audience is your responsibility, and that is where many fail. Because they feel that YouTube provides a stage and audience, these audiences have to be earned by your work.

  • Team up!

    Have someone in the same field as you? Collaborate with them to benefit you and your audience. Recently, social media sites have given rise to a rather new profession of influencers. These are famous personalities with a huge follower base and are wowed for the clothes they wear, the food they eat, and even the places they travel.

    Signing up with such content creators can help you gather attention from a huge crowd, but this will be a short-term benefit. Invite famous local personalities, guest speakers that will be kind enough to collaborate with you and promote your work to a larger audience.

  • It’s all about money!

    YouTube is a great tool for business, and its attempt to get through the e-commerce part of it is very overwhelming. It’s normal to think about profits and invest only if you have something good in return. So keeping creativity and talent aside, one way to increase your income is via creating content that will lure a large crowd to invest in it.

    YouTube bloggers, content creators, and influencers mint money on the assignment they sign to promote, endorse and advertise products and services. Apart from that, if you have thousands of subscribers, you will be included in the playlist for every video you upload. Branding is a great way to earn money through YouTube.

    You may be someone looking into getting famous or someone wanting to get famous and earn money on YouTube, your goals are different, but the base is the same because you are looking into YouTube success. The most primary aspect is to get attention from the target, which is your ultimate audience.

Here are a few steps by which you can increase your subscribers and perhaps increase your reach.

Step 1- invest in buying YouTube subscribers!

Several sites function to provide social media followers, likes, dislikes, and even subscribes. One specific site is which is on the top list for providing the required number of subscribers.

Though several sites provide authentic services, there is very little coverage, so efficiency is always hidden.

However, browse through and learn about its latest deals. There are several packages for you to select from, and all you need to feed in is a link to your channel. No passwords and no sensitive information is required, and so you can easily make an original transaction, and the service will be provided to you within the next 24 hours.

This shortcut idea is a go-to for all who do not want to wait to increase their engagement organically. However, make sure you read the terms and conditions of the site you follow before signing up with them.

Step 2- add some fun via influencers!

Let’s be honest; no one likes to subscribe if there’s no twist and fun. At the most, you can try and get 100 loyal subscribers from your circle. 100 is a good number for a start but won’t be sufficient to keep you sustained in the game. We have already introduced the concept of influencers. If your target is the younger generation, then a trick of working with the influencers will absolutely fetch some attention from this group.

To do so, you need to build contacts with these personalities, including paid contracts to feature on your channel or promote your product and services. Apart from that, get in touch with some local YouTube bloggers with a considerate amount of fan following to help you get through this. These personalities are simply ways of getting into the limelight and welcoming a broader audience for your channel.

Step 3- level up the content!

No matter how many subscribers you have, if you do not work on your content, you can call on the trouble of losing your loyal customers. So gaining subscribers is one thing and keeping them sustained in another. So how will you do this? Definitely by upgrading your content and coming up with a newer creative idea.

Let’s ponder on two situations here, and at the end, you will have to decide which video is more interesting and you would want to subscribe to it.

Video one- steps to lose weight

In this video, the content creator has given info regarding the diet to be followed and the required recipes. He has also added few tips on physical activity for beginners with all the recommended nutritional inputs. This video is short and crisp, and it lasts for approx. 10 minutes. The background music is subtle, and the creator seems to be inspiring and encouraging.

Video two- lose weight in seven days

In this video, the content creator shares his journey by showcasing what he eats in a day and the physical activity he carries over a period of seven days. However, the background music is too loud, and there are no specifications regarding daily inputs and nutritional requirements. The creator makes very little interaction with the audience, and the video ends in 5 minutes.

If asked to select from the above two, one would go for the first video because even though it’s longer, it is elaborate and sounds interesting to the users. The point we want to focus on here is the type of video you create.

Your interaction with the audience, right timing, audio and music, your language are important integrities that make your content viewable. Your videos need to arouse feelings of interaction and engagement within the audience to click the subscribe button wholeheartedly.

Step three- consistency is the key!

You may start with very few subscribers, but you need to be relevant and consistent to be recognized by the audience. Your audience can get carried over pretty easily, so you need to remind them to like, comment, share, and subscribe at the beginning and at the end of every video that you make. Apart from these constant and consistent reminders, it would be best if you also convinced them why your videos are worth their watch.

Another way to keep glued is by giving them hints on your next project and what your video will specifically focus on. So it’s a gist that you provide that will keep them excited for your next presentation. It’s a trick to convince them to click on the subscribe button so that they do not miss your exciting future endeavors.

If you think you’ll be caught up with work, set a google reminder to keep you alert on working and uploading videos consistently in the future. Setting such expectations pushes oneself to work a little harder towards unrealistic goals to make them realistic.

Step four- your audience is your god!

Like we said in the beginning, you got to works towards earning your audience. Once you have the required audience, you also need to treat them right to keep up the fidelity. One needs to build a relationship with their audience to make them feel appreciated and wanted.

It is advised to invest in short-term interactions such as quizzes, contests, giveaways to keep your army growing. Users love when they get some benefit, and so these are some good strategies that you could invest into to lure the attention of a large crowd which in the bargain would want the fascinating prizes you have for them.

However, one needs to be wise when selecting prizes and goodies because these are the factors that would interest your crowd. For instance, if you have male sneakers as your giveaway, you will catch the attention of only male users because females definitely have no gain here.

So if you want to be unbiased with your selection, go for giveaways suitable for any normal human being. A smartphone is a good choice because it is not gender or age-specific and gets the attention of a large audience.

If you feel the giveaways are too much on your budget, you can even collaborate with similar bloggers and content creators so that the bill gets split. Apart from that, your collaborators will help you propagate the word to their circle making the entire circle grow bigger and wider.

Step five – cross-talk between other social media sites!

YouTube is very flexible with other social media sites and can share videos on various platforms to increase one’s reach. For instance, you can merge your videos to be viewed on YouTube as well as Instagram. IGTV is the latest feature incorporated into Instagram that allows one to create videos. Something similar to YouTube, wherein one can own a channel.

So if you want to get the attention of users occupied on Instagram and not on YouTube, these videos you create can also be unloaded there.

Apart from Instagram and Facebook, you can even circulate your videos on WhatsApp. By doing so, within a click of a button, your users can reach your channel without going through the hassle of searching your channel on YouTube. Because WhatsApp has millions of users who use this social media site for daily conversations, it is a great tool to lure traffic of all age groups irrespective of gender or any other biases.

Step six – the most important factor is keyword research!

Though we have included this in the last step, keyword research must be included in your first to-do list. These two words have an enormous amount of importance in digital marketing, and you ought to keep a note of them. These include titles and words that people are searching for, so if your video includes these words, they will be portrayed by YouTube every time a user feeds in these words, making you rank at the top of the YouTube algorithm.

For intake, if your video is about losing weight, then incorporating words like weight loss, diet plan, easy workout ideas, lose weight in 7 days will get the attention of a crowd looking into a similar topic. In this way, you tend to filter your search and appear in the top searches. You present exactly what your users require, keeping you out from creating videos that people would not be interested in.

Once you gain the attention of a massive crowd, your next goal is to mint some money, for which you need to be smart to handle this game of social media filled with massive competition.

How can one earn money on YouTube?

  • One can make money through revenues as you can get revenues from ads, overlays, and displays by advertising revenue.
  • Your subscribers are your biggest assets as they sign up for the channel membership and pay monthly for the content they view. Therefore, the more subscribers, the more the money.
  • If your subscribers have a YouTube Premium subscription, you get a share of it when subscribers watch your content.

Sometimes, users get fascinated to chat with the content creator, so they indulge in buying super chats and stickers to get their texts highlighted.

The bottom line!

Entertaining your audience is your motto here. However, you may have the skill and not the required audience. People do not wait for the slow and steady mantra because it does not work in this race of getting famous on YouTube. You got to hassle to reach wherever you dream of. One can use some shortcuts. However, these may not work for all. Many tactics and tricks are provided in this article to help you make the best use of them.

Apart from that, be true to your work and talent and never give up. Also, once you get there and know how it works, remember to create videos to help your companions master the art of YouTube.